Monday, July 20, 2009

A Must Read for the Gluten Free world -"The Ultramind Solution" by Mark Hyman MD

For anyone who is food allergic and has been looking for an alternative solution to the brain fog, attention deficit, mood swings, acid reflux, autoimmune diseases, skin allergies and inflammation problems, this book is a must read. It is especially helpful if you’ve tried the conventional medicine approach and nothing has worked. Dr. Hyman takes a holistic approach to understanding how nutrition, simple changes in diet like the elimination of gluten and casein, with the proper balance of amino acids and vitamins can drastically change your health.

He explains how nearly 70 million people suffer from some form of digestive disorder with the cost of treating the disorders medically at $107 billion per year. New research in the prestigious journal “Science” confirms the connection of what you eat and how you feel that is being ignored by the rest of medicine. Filled with numerous stories of his patients who have benefited from his elimination diet of wheat and casein, the book is inspiring. One study cites the link between eating gluten to everything from depression to anxiety to autism and even dementia.

If 60% of the immune system is in the gut, it’s hard to not believe that for those individuals who have trouble with absorption through an imbalance of nature’s digestive building blocks be it genetic or acquired, enhancing their bodies ability to perform at normal levels through the proper amino acids, minerals and vitamins can only have a healing effect. This thinking aligns itself with the latest book by Michael Pollan called “In Defense of Food” who talks about how the food we eat is processed to the point where it is low in fiber and nutrients and rich in sugar and additives. Pollard describes nations of obese people who are also malnourished. Both books cite the importance of the Omega 3 fatty acids in our diet which sadly is stripped from our commercial food to extend shelf life - another reason for making food from scratch.

I have been trying the amino acids and vitamins (of course, along with the wheat and casein diet) for the last 5 days now. Today was the first day I had woken up in years without the usual stuffed up nose and finger stiffness– a very, very rare no medication day. Placebo effect – I doubt it. In any case, this regiment is something that I will continue especially if 5 days into it the effects are already slowly showing. This makes the search for gluten free and healthy foods even more exciting and important.

Also looks like he's got a website -

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